Either way, I'm not understanding why putting the kickstand down, in gear, should cause a cel fault. I can only assume that there's a glitch with false errors, or there were errors logged into my bike's ecu before I got it. I did slip up and put the kickstand down while in gear a couple of times over the weekend, but I'm calling bs on 85 of them. Guess what, just like his, I had kickstand deployed while in gear errors, 85 of them as ecu logged events to be exact. I went into the dealer today, and their gold certified tech had to do a software download to be able to connect with my 2016 ecu. I remember a couple of our fellow forum members saying that they experienced cel events as well and that Bellerophon's error turned out to be a kickstand deployed error. So I was out of town on a weekend ride, and at 522 mi (dealer told me that's what the ecu logged), my cel came on.